Digital Work Order Management Solution for Efficiency and Standardization
Soon to be Released
Process Tracker is an upcoming module of the Digital Factory Platform, designed to replace paper-based or Excel-driven work order management systems with a digital, real-time, and user-friendly tool. Process Tracker will offer real-time monitoring of manufacturing steps, from task identification to completion, along with a comprehensive checklist to ensure operators complete tasks with precision.
Top Use Cases of Process Tracker
- Real-Time Bottleneck Identification: Process Tracker offers real-time monitoring and notifications, allowing teams to quickly identify and address issues, leading to reduced cycle times and improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
- Improved Task Execution and Standardization: Paper-based checklists can result in incomplete task execution and quality losses due to lack of clear guidance. Process Tracker enables users to attach images, videos, and documents directly to tasks, ensuring workers have all necessary information at hand. Thus, work flow becomes smoother.
- Fast Data-Driven Decision Making and Continuous Improvement: Process Tracker automates data collection and provides rich manufacturing analytics, empowering teams to make faster, data-driven decisions that support ongoing improvement initiatives and optimize productivity.
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