Image is the icon of SCW.AI's Labor Tracker.

Manufacturers’ Key Solution to Combat with Labor Shortage

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, almost half of the job openings in the manufacturing sector remain unfilled. Additionally, high job turnover within the industry further exacerbates the labor shortage crisis, compelling factory managers to implement strategies that mitigate the negative impact of talent scarcity.

SCW.AI’s Labor Tracker is designed to maximize labor performance and enhance workforce management through real-time data collection. This tool monitors workers’ interactions with different product types and machines, displaying real-time employee data on intuitive dashboards. These dashboards facilitate the decision-making process in labor scheduling, determining personalized labor training sessions, and monitoring labor hours and shift performance at a granular level.

Labor Tracker
Image shows how Labor Tracker shows which workers to check-in a production line.

Top Use Cases of Labor Tracker

  • Real-Time Worker Monitoring: Provides up-to-the-minute data on labor performance, enabling proactive management and swift corrective actions. This ensures that any inefficiencies are addressed immediately, maintaining optimal productivity levels.
  • Data-Driven Task Assignment to Workers: By analyzing metrics such as setup variation percentagerun variation percentagecleanup variation percentage, and labor skill matrices, managers can identify operators who excel in certain tasks or products. This maximizes labor productivity by assigning the right tasks to the right workers.
  • Compare Shift Performance to Find Optimal Shifts: If a specific shift consistently outperforms others, managers can investigate the reasons behind this success. This might include analyzing the performance of certain line leaders and operators. Such insights can be used to improve productivity across other shifts.
  • Finding Personalized Training Needs: Labor Tracker allows managers to identify tasks where employees perform below average. These workers can then receive personalized training focused on improving their skills, quality, and productivity.
  • Provides Risk Management: In the event of emergencies or externalities such as pandemics, Labor Tracker provides managers with critical information about which employees are working on specific lines. This information is essential for maintaining operational continuity and safety during crises.

Key Features of Labor Tracker

  • Automated Data Collection: Using RFID cards and IoT tools, SCW.AI’s Labor Tracker collects real-time data on the location and tasks performed by your workers. For richer information, we combine labor data with product, work order, and machine information.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive platform displays labor data clearly, simplifying labor management and scheduling tasks. Labor Tracker offers a customized floor plan of your factory, allowing you to easily monitor the worker activity. Thus, rather than spending time trying to understand the product you can instantaneously start improving labor productivity.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Managers can tailor dashboards to their specific needs, providing a quick glimpse of the most important information they want to monitor.
  • Receive Notifications: Automatic notifications are sent when workers check in to a line, complete a task, or encounter bottlenecks, ensuring timely responses to any issues.
Image shows labor performance report of SCW.AI's Labor Tracker.
Labor Tracker's Skill Matrix Report allows manufacturers to evaluate experience level of operators for certain tasks, lines and products and assign workers according to this information.

Benefits of Labor Tracker

  • Increased Efficiency: By optimizing labor allocation and performance, manufacturers can achieve higher productivity levels. The Labor Tracker ensures that the right number of workers are assigned to each task, reducing idle time and increasing overall efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: Reducing downtime and improving labor utilization lead to significant cost reductions.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Access to real-time data and manufacturing analytics empowers managers to make informed decisions quickly. This data-driven approach helps in identifying bottlenecks, adjusting schedules, and optimizing labor allocation on the fly.
  • Improved Workforce Morale: By preventing overwork and underutilization, the Labor Tracker promotes a healthier and more productive work environment as well as line balancing.
  • Scalability: The cloud-based nature of the Labor Tracker meets the needs of different manufacturing environments, from small operations to large-scale production lines. With flexible subscription options, manufacturers can easily adjust the scope of the Labor Tracker’s solutions to fit their evolving needs.

What Our Customers Think about Labor Tracker

“Working with SCW.AI has been a very pleasant experience. The implementation of Labor Tracker was easy, and the Supply Chain team quickly resolves issues and adds new functionalities tailored to our needs. Labor Tracker is extremely useful for operating teams working multiple shifts, allowing us to interpret rich data in real-time and take data-driven actions to improve labor efficiency and safety.”
Director and Plant Manager
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
“Thanks to SCW.AI' Labor Tracker we reduced our work hours with low added value by 30%. In addition, the ease of use of the Digital Factory Platform has significantly increased our motivation for industry 4.0 transformation.”
Composite Technologies
“We utilized the OEE Tracker, Labor Tracker, Scheduler, and Digital Logbook modules of Digital Factory. Thanks to the synergetic impact of these tools, we recently experienced our best months, achieving a schedule adherence of 90% in one line and 100% in three lines. SCW.AI enhanced line and labor visibility, provided AI driven automation capabilities, and GMP-friendly log entries in a paperless environment.”
Operations Manager
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
“The last month was the month in which we produced the most, and Digital Factory helped in this success with the reports such as OEE Waterfall and Labor Performance.”
Production Manager
Food and Beverage

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Labor Tracker

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