Image is the icon of SCW.AI's OEE Tracker.

Ultimate Solution for Transforming Shop-Floor Data into Actionable Insights

OEE Tracker is your comprehensive solution for real-time monitoring and optimization of your production processes. By seamlessly integrating data collection and analysis, it empowers your team to make informed decisions that enhance productivity and operational efficiency.

On average, the OEE Tracker assists our customers to elevate their OEE by 10 to 40 percentage points within the first year of implementation. This productivity boost is akin to gaining an extra 1 to 3 days each week with, compared to their previous production efficiency.

OEE Tracker
OEE Tracker Screen, Maintenance

Top Use Cases of OEE Tracker

  • Real-Time OEE & Downtime Tracking: Monitor Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and track planned and unplanned downtime in real-time to identify and mitigate availability losses quickly.
  • Seamless Performance Loss Detection: The OEE Tracker provides granular data on performance losses, assisting manufacturers in identifying lines associated with speed losses or micro-stops.
  • Maximize Production Quality: The OEE Tracker highlights lines with high scrap rates, allowing manufacturers to take action to minimize quality costs.
  • Shift Tracking/Handover, Work Order Performance: Keep a close eye on shift performance and handovers, ensuring smooth transitions and continuous monitoring of work order progress.
  • Root Cause Analysis & Trend Analytics: Leverage powerful analytics tools to perform root cause analysis and identify trends, allowing for strategic improvements and proactive maintenance.

Key Features of OEE Tracker

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Collect any type of shop-floor data seamlessly, from machine performance to environmental conditions and operator inputs, ensuring a holistic view of your production process. OEE Tracker provides real-time access to production data through automated data collection via IoT sensors, PLC/OPC connections, and Digital Factory APIs.
  • User-Friendly Dashboards: Transform raw data into intuitive dashboards and manufacturing analytics accessible on both mobile apps, desktops and large shop-floor displays, ensuring everyone on your team stays informed.
  • Work Order Tracking: Keep track of work order progress with ease, ensuring that every task is monitored and completed on time.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitor production performance KPIs continuously, enabling you to identify and address inefficiencies promptly.
  • Instant Notifications: Get notified immediately about any issues or anomalies in the production process, allowing for quick interventions and minimal downtime.
  • End-to-End Visibility: Achieve complete visibility over your production process, from raw materials to finished goods, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage.
Digital Factory IoT Hub, ML, AI
Pharma Factory Digital Transformation

Benefits of OEE Tracker

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date data, enhancing your overall production efficiency.
  • Increased Throughput: By identifying bottlenecks and optimizing workflows, the OEE Tracker helps increase throughput and maximize productivity.
  • Reduced Costs: Addressing inefficiencies results costs reduction up to 20%.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: With data accessible to everyone on the team, foster better collaboration and ensure everyone is aligned towards common production goals.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Address issues before they escalate with instant notifications and real-time monitoring, reducing downtime and improving overall equipment effectiveness.
  • Easy Implementation: As a cloud manufacturing tool OEE Tracker is a scalable, secure and cost friendly solution that can easily adapt and integrate with your existing digital infrastructure.

What Our Customers Think about OEE Tracker

“I love how easy this OEE Tracker is to use for both the administrative and shop floor users. Additionally, my experience of working with the Customer Service team has been truly exceptional. Their dedication and willingness to understand our business needs have been outstanding. The level of customization that the team has applied to the OEE Tracker has allowed us to capture every detail that is crucial to our operations.”
Production Coordinator
Pharma Manufacturing
“OEE Tracker is an easy-to-use tool for manufacturers. It allows executives and administrators to monitor many KPIs effectively. For operators, its intuitive design assisted us quickly adopt the tool. Customer service team is helpful and responsive, and implementation is quick.”
Director and Plant Manager
“SCW.AI's OEE tracker has been a great tool to track why our production lines are down and what our areas of improvement are.”
Engineering Manager
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
“OEE Tracker has helped present more accurate downtime metrics than we were previously tracking. This has allowed for driven actions to be put in place and monitored. The company is constantly updating their trackers as well to better improve customer use.”
Project Engineer
Global CDMO

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OEE Tracker

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